Join United Braford
Breeders Association Today

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Junior Braford
Breeders Associtaion

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United Braford Breeders (UBB) is the only organization registering Braford cattle in the United States.

Our organization represents the interests of all Braford breeders throughout the U. S. and our programs are focused on assisting members in their efforts to breed functional Braford cattle.

Braford breeders continuously strive to produce cows that can function in the real world of commercial cattlemen who must make a living in often challenging and harsh production environments. Braford bulls must thrive under those same difficult conditions and perform their main function of getting the cows bred to produce growthy, hardy calves meeting current market demands.

“The United Braford Breeders is an association of cattle breeders dedicated to the improvement of Braford Cattle. Its primary purpose is to assist in members’ efforts to bring quality Braford breeding stock to the commercial cattlemen of the world.”

Hear What They Have To Say About Brafords!

"The Braford breed is one of the best kept secrets in the beef cattle industry. Braford cows are highly productive in southern production environments. Braford bulls work extremely well on your adapted cows and produce outstanding replacement females and you don’t have to apologize for the steers either."

- Rodney Roberson, Ph.D.
Thunderstorm R Cattle Company

"Braford cattle work very well for our operation. They have just the right amount of Brahman influence which allows them to be environmentally adapted to our climate. We use Brangus and Braford bulls in a two-way cross. The heifers make excellent cows and the steers are very acceptable in the market place. If you’re looking for a second breed and you are retaining females in your operation, then look no further – Braford could fill that void."

- Dr. Jim Harvey
Harvey Ranch


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